lemon juice

Is Lemon Good for Dandruff?

Dandruff is a problem that involves the tissue to peel on your scalp. Although it is not regarded as a severe illness, it can be unpleasant and hard to handle. Suggested dandruff remedies often involve using a prescribed medication shampoo or applying vitamins with your diet. Many internet communities and natural remedies, nevertheless, advocate for lemons as a cure. Like many citrus fruits, lemons are full of antioxidants, vital nutrients, and citric acids (a form of vitamin C). This mix of vitamins has a prestige for strengthening the immune response and preserving healthy hair. But will lemons control dandruff successfully?

Can Lemons Be Used to Treat Dandruff?

The proponents of organic dandruff remedy claim that lemons can:

Help provide vitamin C, citric acid, flavonoid, and iron—all nutrients essential to healthy hair and skin.

Treat Dandruff

Adjust the pH of the skin. Reinforce the follicles of hair

Remove excess oils from the scalp and ward off dandruff as a result. The citric acid found in lemon is an organic scalp pH manager.

Ways to Use Lemon for Dandruff

Lemon can be used in following ways to get rid of dandruff of your hair.

It can be used as a limewater rinse after shampooing to lock and restore moisture. Applying lemon juice mixed with coconut oil helps in gradually decreasing dandruff. Applying lemon juice mixed with olive oil also helps in driving away dandruff.

A mixture of hazelnut oil and lime juice is very beneficial in getting dandruff free hair. Lemon juice can be mixed with apple cider vinegar to treat dandruff successfully. Fuller’s earth mixed with lemon juice, used at least twice a week, is a beneficial remedy against dandruff.

Yogurt is a very efficient ingredient to ward off dandruff. Mixing it with lemon will double the benefits. Lemon and egg mask applied on the scalp also helps in fighting against dandruff.